Consider the integral polynomials f a,b (x) = x 4 +ax +b and g c,d (x) = x 4 + cx 3 + d. Suppose f a,b (x) and g c,d (x) are irreducible, b | a, and the integers b, d, 256d − 27c 4 , and 256b 3 − 27a 4 gcd(256b 3 , 27a 4 ) are all square-free. Using the Montes algorithm, we show that a root of f a,b (x) or g c,d (x) defines a monogenic extension of Q and serves as a generator for a power basis of the ring of integers. In fact, we show monogeneity for slightly more general families. Further, we obtain lower bounds on the density of polynomials generating monogenic S4 fields within the families f b,b (x) and g 1,d (x). Corollary 1.1. Consider f b,b (x) = x 4 + bx + b with b ∈ Z and let θ be a root. Suppose b and 256 − 27b are square-free and b = 3, 5. Then, Q(θ) is a monogenic S 4 quartic field and θ is a generator of a power integral basis. Further, at least 29.18% of b ∈ Z satisfy these conditions. Corollary 1.2. Consider g 1,d (x) = x 4 + x 3 + d with d ∈ Z and let τ be a root. Suppose d and 256d − 27 are square-free and d = −2. Then Q(τ ) is a monogenic S 4