Abstract:Many methodologies and techniques may be used in the development of information systems. Two widely used methodologies are: system development life cycle, and proto-typing. In this article, we have extensively evaluated the two methodologies based on field data collected from information systems professionals in business and industry. Specifically, the two methodologies are evaluated for their applicability during various life cycle phases, by types of systems, and by the amount of problem structure. Various attributes associated with the methodologies have also been assessed. Our results support the use of a contingency approach for the selection of a proper methodology for systems development.
Article:There are numerous methods available and used for developing information systems (IS). These methods may be categorized into three classes (DB Directions, 1985): methodologies, which are organized, systematic approaches for handling the system life cycle or its major parts; techniques, which are means of accomplishing specific tasks in the system life cycle; and tools, which are software packages to support one or more techniques. Characteristics, usage, and applicability of the techniques and methodologies have been reported in the literature (Colter, 1984; Couger, Colter, and Knapp, 1982;Doke and Myers, 1986;Gingberg and Ariav, 1986;Necco, Gordon, and Tsai, 1987: Palvia andNosek, 1989;Vessey and Weber, 1986;Wells and Naumann, 1985). In this article, we focus on methodologies for information system development.Several methodologies are reported in the literature (Davis, 1982; Davis and Olson, 1985;Gore and Stubbe, 1983;Gremillion and Pybum, 1983; McDonald, Riddle, and Youngblut, 1986; Naumann, Davis, arid McKeon, 1980;Naumann and Jenkins, 1982;Nosek, 1988;Sumner and Sitek, 1986). The most widely used methodology is the system development life cycle (SDLC), which comprises of a sequence of well-defined linear tasks. The tasks are derived by breaking the system's stages (analysis, design, development, and implementation) into phases, activities, and tasks (Davis and Olson, 1985;Necco, Gordon, and Tsai, 1987). In response to various shortcomings of the SDLC approach as well as an ever-growing backlog of IS applications, alternate methodologies are being utilized. According to Gremillion and Pybum (1983), other approaches for system development are: using commercial application software packages, prototyping, and user-developed systems. Of these, using software packages precludes organizational IS development (although, the package developer must have used some methodology), and user-developed systems are usually ad-hoc, simplistic, narrow in scope, and prone to being of poor quality (Davis, 1982). Therefore, any large-scale comprehensive organizational information systems are developed using one of the two methodologies: system development life cycle and prototyping. The predominant use of SDLC and prototyping is also supported by surveys of information systems professionals and organizations (Palvia and ...