Abstract.-A marker-based method for studying quantitative genetic characters in natural populations is presented and evaluated. The method involves regressing quantitative trait similarity on marker-estimated relatedness between individuals. A procedure is first given for estimating the narrow sense heritability and additive genetic correlations among traits, incorporating shared environments. Estimation of the actual variance of relatedness is required for heritability, but not for genetic correlations. The approach is then extended to include isolation by distance of environments, dominance, and shared levels of inbreeding. Investigations of statistical properties show that good estimates do not require great marker polymorphism, but rather require significant variation of actual relatedness; optimal allocation generally favors sampling many individuals at the expense of assaying fewer marker loci; when relatedness declines with physical distance, it is optimal to restrict comparisons to within a certain distance; the power to estimate shared environments and inbreeding effects is reasonable, but estimates of dominance variance may be difficult under certain patterns of relationship; and any linkage of markers to quantitative trait loci does not cause significant problems. This marker-based method makes possible studies with long-lived organisms or with organisms difficult to culture, and opens the possibility that quantitative trait expression in natural environments can be analyzed in an unmanipulative way.