Introduction 1 Single-Well ROS Measurements 2 Core Analysi s 2 Backflow Tracer Tests Wei 1 Logging 5 Open Hole Logs 5 Cased Hole Logs 7 Grav i ty Logg i ng Material Balance and Well Testing Methods Interwell ROS Measurements 11 Systematic and Random Errors Systematic Errors Random Errors Errors and Uncertainties of ROS Methods Single-Well ROS Methods Core Analysis Backflow Tracer Test Well Logging Conventional Logging Log-Inject-Log Technique Material Balance Calculation Wei 1 Testing 23 Interwell ROS Method Suggested Procedures TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Pajae Improvements of ROS Methods 26 Single-Well ROS Methods 26 Core Analysis 26 Backflow Tracer Test 27 Wei 1 Logging 27 Conventional Logging 27 Log-Inject-Log Technique 28 Material Balance Calculation 29 Wei 1 Test 1 ng 30 Interwell ROS Method 30 Recommendations 31 Conclusions 32 Acknowledgment 33 Reference 33 TABLES Table Page 1 Advantages and disadvantages of ROS methods 12 2 Limitations and accuracies of ROS methods 19 3 Suggest procedures for ROS determination 25 ABSTRACT An investigation was conducted on the residual oil saturation measurement techniques developed during the last fifteen years. Knowledge of precise ROS measurements is required for EOR project planning. The advantages, limitations, and problems of each one of the techniques are presented 1n tabulated form. Also, some of the possible improvements in the measurement techniques for the residual oil saturation are summarized. The following residual oil saturation techniques are discussed: core analyses, well logging, backflow tracer tests, material balance and well testing, newly developed gravity log methods, and interwell residual oil saturation measurements. Several aspects left to be Improved in both Instrumentations and data interpretation on pressure coring, back-flow tracer tests, well logging, material balance calculations, well testing, and Interwell ROS measurements are presented. A nuclear magnetism log-inject-log method is proposed in which the need for porosity measurement for determining residual oil saturation is eliminated.