Recent JET D-T campaigns opened the possibility of unique isotope studies to investigate the L-H transition physics in view of reactor plasmas and to study the origin of the observed power threshold minimum. In the present paper, we characterise L-H transitions in the low and high-density branches of JET NBI-heated D-T plasmas. As discussed in the paper, L-H transition has been hypothesised to be determined by the transport power losses of plasma ions, i.e. the so-called ion heat flux (Qi). We present the first power balance analysis of JET NBI-heated D-T plasmas to evaluate the ion heat flux at the transition. Due to the experimental setting being similar to previous JET D experiments, we also directly compare the results, discussing the isotope effect and similarities between datasets. First, we find an isotope effect between D and D-T Qi, with a lower Qi in D-T plasmas. We confirm that the ion heat flux deviates from density linearity compared to the linear trend observed in wave-heated D plasmas of other tokamaks. The deviation we observe in NBI-heated L-H transitions happens at an isotope-dependent density. Plasma edge rotation correlates with Qi deviation from density linearity in the low-density branch. However, further investigations would be required to assess the role of rotation on Qi and the power threshold minimum at JET. At low plasma density, NBI power dominates Qi, while increasing the density makes the equipartition power dominant. We finally compare our results with hypotheses proposed from evidence in other tokamaks to present a complete overview of ion heat flux analyses in D and D-T NBI-heated plasmas at JET.