This paper aimed to investigate the effect of rheological properties on the sensory acceptance of two (Ferni and cocoa drink) model dysphagia‐oriented food products. The results showed that the cocoa drink with the highest viscosity had the maximum score in overall liking and ease of swallowing. Among the Ferni samples, the one with minimum viscosity had the highest score in overall liking and ease of swallowing. A negative correlation ratio was found between n (flow behavior index in power law model), n′ (viscoelastic nature of sample) and hysteresis area and ease of swallowing in the cocoa drink. The three mentioned parameters showed a positive correlation ratio with the ease of swallowing scores for the Ferni samples. These results recommended that, in nectar‐like products, higher viscosities might lead to ease of swallowing, but in the spoon‐thick category, higher viscosities did not necessarily result in the increased ease of swallowing.
Practical Applications
Most studies in the field of rheology–dysphagia have been only focused on the rheological experiments of dysphagia‐oriented food products (DOFPs) and do not deal with the sensory acceptance of these products. Moreover, developing clinically relevant criteria for classifying DOFPs is helpful for both food rheologists and healthcare teams. The present study provided additional evidence for the inadequacy of current classification strategies for DOFPs.