Consider a partial order on {0, 1} Z : x ≤ y when x i ≤ y i for all i ∈ Z. A subshift X ⊂ {0, 1} Z is hereditary if together with any x ∈ {0, 1} Z it contains all y ≤ x. Heuristically speaking, a hereditary subshift contains all the elements between maximal elements (with respect to this partial order) and the element 0 Z . In a particular situation when it suffices to take (the orbit closure of) all the elements between a single maximal element x and the element 0 Z , we speak of subordinate subshifts. In this paper we investigate measure-theoretic properties of such subshifts, with a special emphasis on thermodynamical formalism. The key notion is a measure-theoretic counterpart of subordinate subshifts, 4 Sandwich measure-theoretic subordinate subshifts 20 4.