Given a graph G = (V, E), two vertices s, t ∈ V, and two integers k, , the SHORT SECLUDED PATH problem is to find a simple s-t-path with at most k vertices and neighbors. We study the parameterized complexity of the problem with respect to four structural graph parameters: the vertex cover number, treewidth, feedback vertex number, and feedback edge number. In particular, we completely settle the question of the existence of problem kernels with size polynomial in these parameters and their combinations with k and . We also obtain a 2 O(tw) ⋅ 2 ⋅ n-time algorithm for n-vertex graphs of treewidth tw, which yields subexponential-time algorithms in several graph classes. ]. This version contains full proof details, new kernelization results with respect to the feedback vertex number as parameter, and the algorithm for graphs of bounded treewidth has been generalized to a more general problem variant and accelerated. Networks. 2020;75:34-63. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 34 VAN BEVERN ET AL. 35 TABLE 1 Overview of our results par. Positive results Negative results vc Size vc O(r) -kernel in K r,r -subgraph-free graphs (Theorem 3.8) No polynomial kernel and WK[1]-hard w.r.t. vc (Theorem 3.1) fes Size poly(fes)-kernel (Theorem 5.15) fvs O(fvs ⋅ (k + ) 2 )-vertex kernel (Theorem 5.4) No kernel with size poly(fvs + ) (Theorem 5.20) tw 2 O(tw) ⋅ 2 ⋅ n-time algorithm (Theorem 4.2) No kernel with size poly(tw + k + ) even in planar graphs with const. Δ (Theorem 4.14)Herein, n, tw, vc, fes, fvs, and Δ denote the number of vertices, treewidth, vertex cover number, feedback edge number, feedback vertex number, and maximum degree of the input graph, respectively.
FIGURE 1Overview on the existence of polynomial kernelization. Gray: no polynomial-size kernel unless coNP ⊆ NP/poly. White: polynomial-size kernel exists. An arrow from parameter p to p ′ means that the value of p can be upper-bounded by a polynomial in p ′ [25]. Thus, hardness results for p ′ also hold for p and polynomial-size kernels for p also hold for p ′ call a problem fixed-parameter tractable if it can be solved in f (k) ⋅ n O(1) time on inputs of length n and some function f depending only on some parameter k. In contrast to an algorithm that merely runs in polynomial time for fixed k, say, in O(n k ) time, which is intractable even for small values of k, fixed-parameter algorithms can solve NP-hard problems quickly if k is small.Provably effective polynomial-time data reduction. Parameterized complexity theory also provides a framework for data reduction with performance guarantees-problem kernelization [16,21,27,47].Kernelization allows for provably effective polynomial-time data reduction. Note that a result of the form "our polynomial-time data reduction algorithm reduces the input size by at least one bit, preserving optimality of solutions" is impossible for NP-hard problems unless P = NP. In contrast, a kernelization algorithm reduces a problem instance into an equivalent one (the problem kernel) whose size depends o...