W elcome to the third IT Professional issue of 2021. This issue features a Special Section consisting of four invited articles to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the IEEE Computer Society. In addition, it presents seven peerreviewed feature articles on different topics and column/department articles of current interest.
75TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETYThe IEEE Computer Society (CS) has reached a significant milestone this year-75 years of serving the global computer science, engineering, and technology community. 1 CS is known for its unparalleled international conferences and peer-reviewed publications. This magazine, IT Professional, is one of its top publications, which also sponsors the ITiP Symposium at the highly popular IEEE COMPSAC conference.To honor the CS's 75th anniversary, we feature a Special Section, "Continuing IT Evolution and Revolution," guest-edited by San Murugesan. This section discusses the fast-paced technological evolution of computing and perspectives on the future. It con-