The energy capacities of rocks may be assessed by taking account of the relative integral energy losses of the wave S as a function of the distance and their physicomechanical properties.In the physical sense the absolute integral losses S o express the difference in the energy levels corresponding to a quasielastic and elastico-plastic state of the medium under conditions of a dynamic explosive load at a certain relative distance ~ =R/r0, where r0 is the radius of the charge and R is the absolute distance to the investigated point.To determine the absolute integral losses S o in the purest form, uncomplicated by geometrical scattering of the wave energy in the space, it is desirable to effect explosive loading of the medium by charges which form a flat front. In each particular case the energy loss of the wave is calculated from the initial energy level El ~ determined for the given medium by the initial calculated and experimental values of the wave parametersthe pressure P, the velocity of the particles behind the front of the shock wave t at the charge-medium interface (with ~i = I. 0).The difference between the initial energy lev~. k of the wave and its current value E~ i) at a distance r-irepresents the actual absolute integral losses S O = E2 (~ E~ 11, and the relationship S -----So I g~2 ~ = ~[e(~ --e(0~,/ E(~ characterizes the relative integral losses of the wave energy.The initial and current values of the energy level of the wave E~ ~ and E~ i) were assessed for different relative distances ~ from the specific surface energy of the wave in the form: E(2 ~ '} = P2o, , tfpoDo, i , where the index 0 corresponds to the wave parameters (Tables 1 and 2) at the interface (r~ = 1.0), and the index i to the current values of the parameters in the range ~ from 1 to 5 r0.The pressure in the shock wave P0,i was calculated from the simultaneously measured values of the wave parameters Do, i and U0, i as P0, l = Po Do. l Uo, i .The experimental procedure and measurement methods for the wave parameters are discussed in [1][2][3].Using this procedure, we made an experimental assessment of the energy capacities of argillaceous silt, limestone, and marble in the vicinity of the effect of an explosion (1-5 r0), where the work (stress x strain) was maximal.Analysis of the exEerimental data* (see Table 1, Fig. 1) reveals that at a constant charge weight of the same explosive the value of Ez (i) is maximal for argillaceous silt, that of limestone being smaller, and that of marble minimal. High energy values are accompanied by maximal velocities of the particles behind the front, maximal residence times of the positive phase of the front, and maximal deformation (Fig. 2). The integral wave energy losses due to the effective fracturing work and irreversible processes increase more markedly at high deformations. This is confirmed by our experimental results (see Table 2, Fig. 3). It will be seen from the curve of S vs log7 that in the case of explosion loading the maximal relative integral energy losses S and the intensity of ...