Some isolates of the plant pathogen Nectria haematococca detoxify the isoflavonoid phytoalexin (-)maackiain by hydroxylation at carbon 6a. Precursor feeding studies strongly suggest that the penultimate step in (+)pisatin biosynthesis by Pisum sativum is 6a-hydroxylation of (+)maackiain. We have used "O labeling to test the involvement of oxygenases in these two reactions. When fungal metabolism of maackiain took place under '"02, the product was labeled with 99% efficiency; no label was incorporated by metabolism in H210. Pisatin synthesized by pea pods in the presence of 1802 or H2180 was a mixture of molecules containing up to three labeled oxygen atoms. Primary mass spectra of such mixtures were complex but were greatly simplified by tandem MS. This analysis indicated that the 6a oxygen of pisatin was derived from H20 and not from 02. Labeling patterns for the other five oxygen atoms were consistent with the proposed pathway for biosynthesis of pisatin and related isoflavonoids. We conclude that the fungal hydroxylation of maackiain is catalyzed by an oxygenase, but the biosynthetic route to the 6a hydroxyl of pisatin is unknown.Several pterocarpan phytoalexins are known to be detoxified by Nectria haematococca or by related fungi with the same imperfect state, Fusarium solani. Pisatin is demethylated by a Cyt P-450 monooxygenase (16). Phaseollin is hydroxylated to la-hydroxyphaseollone by a reaction which also appears to be oxygenase-mediated, since 180 labeling has shown that the new oxygen atom is derived from 02 (15). Maackiain and medicarpin are metabolized by one or more of three different initial reactions, depending on the fungal isolate; all three involve the net addition of one oxygen atom (I1, 12). One of these reactions produces the la-hydroxydienone analogous to the phaseollin metabolite. Another, the hydroxylation at carbon 6a, also involves incorporation of an atom from 02, as reported below.Oxygenases are also thought to be responsible for several reactions in the biosynthesis of these phytoalexins. In particular, the 6a-hydroxylation of maackiain has been proposed to be a step in pisatin biosynthesis by Pisum sativum (Fig. 1) (2-4). This reaction is not identical with the fungal conversion, since the fungus metabolized only (-)maackiain (23) whereas the expected precursor of (+)pisatin, the isomer normally produced by pea, would be the enantiomer (+)maackiain. larity between these two reactions, which appear to play such opposed roles in the interaction between host and parasite, prompted us to examine both of them in this study.MATERIALS AND METHODS Biological Materials. Nectria haematococca Berk. and Br. mating population VI isolate T-95, from our culture collection (22, 23), was maintained on V-8 juice agar and grown in glucoseasparagine (GA) liquid medium as described (25). Pisum sativum L. cultivar Alaska was grown in a greenhouse.6a-Hydroxylation of Maackiain. A 3-d culture of N. haematococca in GA medium was filtered, weighed, and suspended in double strength GA medium at 60 m...