In order to avoid the acoustic instabilities in metal halide (MH) lamps a proper method is to supply the lamp with a low frequency square-wave current. Due to the topology of electronic ballasts for such an application, there is a high frequency ripple in the current or voltage waveform. It is known that such ripples with sufficient energy at the proper frequency are able to excite acoustic resonance in MH lamps. The threshold value for high frequency ripples in order to excite an acoustic mode and destabilize the lamp is under debate. This threshold is lamp dependent and should be measured experimentally for each lamp type. This paper addresses an automated experimental method to determine the threshold value of the power ripple in a frequency range of 10 -400 kHz. The implementation of the proposed method which is based on the light flicker factor has been explained in a preceding paper. The experimental results show that less than 1 percent of power ripple at the resonance frequency is sufficient to excite a detectable (perceptible to the human eye) acoustic instability.