“…Yunkai and Wuyi massifs,Faure et al, 2009;Li et al, 2010;Wang et al, 2007Wang et al, , 2011Yu et al, 2018) and NVT (e.g. Song Chay F I G U R E 4 Probability density plots for detrital zircon U-Pb ages from the Middle Triassic turbidite sandstones in the Malipo basin (a-e), compared with those from the early Middle Triassic turbidites in the Song Hien basin, western Dian-Qiong suture (f,Halpin et al, 2016;Wang et al, 2021), the early Middle Triassic turbidites in the Napo basin to the south of the volcanic arc (g, and the Middle Triassic turbidites in the central-northern Nanpanjiang basin to the north of the Napo-Jingxi-Pingxiang volcanic arc (h,Lehrmann et al, 2015;Yang et al, 2012). [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com] , central-northern Nanpanjiang basin (n=1706,Yang et al, 2012;Lehrmann et al, 2015) Triassic turbidites, Song Hien basin (n=154,Halpin et al, 2016;Wang et al, 2021 Wang et al, ) et al, 2000Yan et al, 2006).…”