The friction phenomenon is a ubiquitous manifestation of nature. Models considering phononic, electronic, magnetic, and electrostatic interactions are invoked to explain the fundamental forces involved in the friction phenomenon. In order to establish the incidence of the phonon prompting at the nanoscale friction by direct contact, we study a diamond spherical dome sliding on carbon thin films containing different amount of deuterium and hydrogen. The friction coefficient decreases by substituting hydrogen by deuterium atoms. This result is consistent with an energy dissipation vibration local mechanism from a disordered distribution of bond terminators.The understanding of the physical causes and how controlling friction properties is a cutting edge challenge in order to save energy, diminishing wear, increasing the lifetime and sustainability of mechanical devices, and improving performance 1, 2 . From Leonardo da Vinci's and Guillaume Amontons's ancient experiments up to the present time, the friction effects continue demanding enforces to explain the observed phenomenon 3, 4 . Indeed, the non-conservative forces acting in the physical interaction between two surfaces in relative motion is not explained by a unique and fundamental physical mechanism. This is in part due to the complexity of the dissipative forces involved in the phenomenon, strongly depending on the length scales of the sliding parts [5][6][7] . Furthermore, one of the most challenging fields in tribology concerns with the connection between the engineering (macro) phenomenological models and physical fundamental (atomic and nanoscale) laws.By the lack of better tools, molecular dynamics calculations are applied to inspect the macroscopic phenomenological three-term kinetic friction model (or part of it) to phenomena occurring at the nanoscale size 5,6 . This model assumes the combination of three effects, namely, the adhesion force in the presence of a lubricant at zero normal load (Derjaguin offset), the coefficient of friction (da Vinci-Amontons-Coulomb law) and the effective shear stress (Bowden-Tabor law) 6 . Although this approach brings valuable information for practical applications, several basic answers remain pending as, for example, the physical nature of the Derjaguin offset, the physical understanding of the origin of the friction coefficient, and the influence of the shear stress on the phenomenom. Therefore, an attempt to improve the understanding of the three-term kinetic friction model by using fundamental physical properties of the matter could help to unify several mechanisms prompting the friction at the nanoscale size that seem disconnected at the present.From a statistical thermodynamically point of view, the friction phenomenon is one of the physical manifestations of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem (FDT) 8 . This important theorem explains the transition from the microscopic reversibility physical process to a macro irreversibly phenomena involving energy dissipation, i.e., entropy increasing 9 . Recently, the FD...