Articles you may be interested inCommunication: Full dimensional quantum rate coefficients and kinetic isotope effects from ring polymer molecular dynamics for a seven-atom reaction OH + CH4 → CH3 + H2O Rate coefficients and kinetic isotope effects of the X + CH4 → CH3 + HX (X = H, D, Mu) reactions from ring polymer molecular dynamics J. Chem. Phys. 138, 094307 (2013); 10.1063/1.4793394 Erratum: Kinetic isotope effects in the reaction of fluorine atoms with molecular hydrogen. I. H2/D2 kinetic isotope effect ESR atom detection has been employed to determine the kinetic isotope effect involved in the reactions: H +C~---H2+CH3, D+C~---HD+CH3.(1)(2) New data were obtained for Reaction (1) leading to a slightly revised value for k, of (6.2S±2.00) X 10 '3 exp[ -(11 600±lS0) / RTJ in units of cm 3 mole-l·sec-l . Assuming that the ratio of pre-exponential factors for Reactions (1) and (2) is 1.38 we compute a value for k2 of (4.S±2.0) X 10 13 exp[ -(11100±lS0) / RTJ cm 3 mole-'·sec ' . The observed kinetic isotope effect is compared with those calculated from absolute rate theory using the semiempirical Sato potential energy surface, or that obtained from the empirical bondenergy-bond-order (BEBO) method. These two methods give equally good predictions of the value of k,jk 2 • Application of a one-dimensional tunnel correction results in poorer agreement between theory and experiments.