Background: Visualization of aqueous humor flow in the human eye is difficult because gadolinium, a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agent, does not readily cross the blood-retinal and blood-aqueous barriers of capillaries that supply water to the eye. The proton (1H) of oxygen-17 water (H217O) has a very short transverse relaxation time (T2), and the T2-weighted (T2W) 1H-MRI signal intensity of a region with H217O is lower than that with only H216O.
Purpose: To observe the distribution of H217O in the human eye, and the flow into and out of the anterior chamber of H217O, using dynamic T2W 1H-MRI.
Materials and Methods: Seven healthy volunteers (20-37 years old) participated in this study. During dynamic imaging, the subject self-administered 10 mol% H217O saline (0.92-1.37 mL) to their right eye for 1 min. Time-series images were created by subtracting the image before the eye drops from each of the images obtained after the eye drops. The "normalized signal intensity of the right anterior chamber" (rAC) in each image was obtained by dividing the signal intensity of the right anterior chamber region-of-interest by that of the left. Changes in transverse relaxation rate and H217O concentration (PO17) were calculated from the rAC. The inflow and outflow constants of H217O in the right anterior chamber were also determined.
Results: Decreased signal intensity after the H217O eye drops was observed in the anterior and posterior chambers, but not in the vitreous body. The rAC signal intensity decreased after the eye drops, and then recovered to close to rAC(0) at 40 min. The inflow and outflow constants were 0.53 ± 0.19 and 0.055 ± 0.019 min-1, respectively, and the peak value of PO17 was 0.19 ± 0.04% (mean ± SD).
Conclusion: H217O saline eye drops distributed in the human anterior and posterior chambers. Further, the eye drops smoothly flowed into, and slowly out of, the anterior chamber.