The mobility of water molecules and deuterons of the deuterated analogue of solid 12-tungstophosphoric
acid, H3PW12O40·nH2O (HPA) (n = 5.5 and 0.1), has been characterized by deuterium solid-state NMR.
Analysis of the 2H NMR line shape and spin−lattice relaxation times allowed us to characterize the deuteron
and water dynamics in HPA, at different water contents, in the temperature range 103−383 K. At 163−193
K and for n = 5.5, an intramolecular motion corresponding to reorientations by 180° flips around the C
2 axis
of water in the [D5O2]+ ion has been detected, the deuteron being probably immobile. At temperatures above
313 K, both water and deuteron become involved in fast rotation around the C
3 axis of the formed [D3O]+
ion. The rotation is performed on a time scale of 30−50 ns with an activation energy E
a of 8.5 kJ/mol. For
n = 0.1, three dynamically different species can be distinguished: mobile deuterons, mobile [D3O]+ ions,
and immobile deuterons. Mobile deuterons are weakly bonded to polyanions and move fast with a characteristic
time of a few picoseconds and E
a = 8.6 kJ/mol. [D3O]+ ions move more slowly than deuterons, but still fast,
with a time scale of a few nanoseconds, and E
a = 17.6 kJ/mol. The characteristic time for immobile deuterons
is much greater than a few microseconds.