We have used 2H quadrupole-echo NMR spectroscopy to study the molecular dynamics of the leucine side chain in collagen fibrils labeled with [2H10]leucine. X-ray crystallographic studies ofleucine and small leucyl-containing peptides and proteins [Benedetti, C. (1977) at 313 nm to establish purity. The percentage incorporation of deuterium (43%) was determined by chemical ionization gas chromatography/mass spectrometry of N-acetylmethyl ester derivatives of the hydrolyzed protein. Radiotracer (3H and 14C) analysis showed that leucine was the only amino acid labeled during biosynthesis.2H NMR spectra were observed for polycrystalline D,L-[2H10]leucine over the temperature range -45°C to + 100°C (Fig. 2). Because of the size ofthe methylene and methine deuteron quadrupolar splitting, Avq(120 kHz), only a part of the spectrum arising from these deuterons is shown. Rapid threefold rotation of the methyl groups in leucine averages Avq to 38 kHz at -45°C, and these six deuterons display the classic axially symmetric quadrupolar powder pattern. Over the temperature range studied, very little additional side chain motion