IntroductionAmong several approaches to controlling tritium permeation and accumulation in the first wall of a fusion reactor, the application of a permeation barrier in the form of a coating looks feasible. In spite of decades spent in looking for an appropriate barrier material, there is still no universally recognised one, although alumina is most regarded among these coatings [1][2][3][4] since a few microns of a crystalline α-alumina layer is capable of reducing the permeability a fusion relevant material, e.g. EUROFER 97, up to a factor of 10 3 or greater [5]. However, crystalline alumina suffers from advanced requirements for its formation [6,7].One of the main parameters of a diffusion barrier is a so-called permeation reduction factor (PRF), i.e. the ratio of permeabilities or permeation fluxes through the uncoated sample to that of the coated one. Therefore, it is worth searching for a suitable material based on its permeation properties first and then exploring how the coating fits the other requirements. A decision was made to investigate erbia coatings, not only based on permeability but also on mechanical stability under thermal load when erbia is in contact with other materials. The choice of erbia was governed by our experience in deposition of crystalline erbia coatings [8], its compatibility with liquid Li [9, 10], and stability of its insulating properties upon neutron irradiation [11].Here, we present the results of investigation of a three-layer sample EUROFER-Er 2 O 3 -C subjected to temperatures as high as 750ºC. The graphite substrate was used because of its low atomic number that allowed the application of IBA (Ion Beam Analysis) to reveal thermal stability of the layers and diffusion processes between erbia and EUROFER. With a heavier substrate, the signals of erbium, oxygen and EUROFER constituents would be hidden on IBA spectra.Measurements on deuterium permeability through a Pd-30%Ag and EUROFER 97 membranes coated with a one micron thick crystalline erbia layer are also reported. The Pd30%Ag substrate was used as a laboratory test substrate because it has high hydrogen 1 permeability as well as resistance to oxidation and thus has little effect on hydrogen transport through the coated sample.
Experimental details
Sample preparationPreparation of the Er 2 O 3 -Pd-30%Ag and Er 2 O 3 -EUROFER samples was similar to that described in [8]: a polished disk-shaped substrate of 20 mm in diameter and 0.15 mm (Pd30%Ag) or 0.36 mm (EUROFER) in thickness was coated with a 1 µm erbia layer using a filtered arc deposition device. Deposition was performed by running an arc discharge on an erbium cathode, filtering plasma from metal droplets and introducing oxygen into the main chamber. The coating was deposited on the substrate at a temperature of 600ºC to build up the dense crystalline erbia phase. The quality of the coating was then examined with SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) and XRD (X-Ray Diffraction) techniques. Since the sample was continuously exposed to oxygen during deposition, the b...