In the era of online learning, students face evolving challenges in effectively communicating, critical thinking, problem-solving, collaborative engagement, and creative utilization of information and communication technologies. This study explores the interplay between oral language achievement, language learning attitudes, strategies, and 21st-century skills among G11 senior high school students at a private university in Mindanao, Philippines. Employing a descriptive-correlational design, 384 participants responded to a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, including mean, standard deviation, Pearson Product Moment Correlation, and multiple regression analysis analyzed the data. Findings indicate positive oral language attitudes, proficient language learning strategies, and strong 21st-century skills among participants. Notably, social strategy displays a significant relationship and predicts oral language achievement. Recommendations include nurturing optimistic attitudes in online learning, designing activities to enhance language learning strategies and 21st-century skills, and exploring additional factors influencing oral language achievement in future research.