We have developed a system for automatic extraction and visualisation of argumentative structures in argumentative texts using a 3-step pipeline. The pipeline consist of a CRF and two SVMs, which we label SVM-1 and SVM-2. All components are trained on Argument Annotated Essay Corpus v2 (AAECv2).We achieved F-scores of 0.6249, 0.696 and 0.84 for the 3 components, all 3 outperforming the majority classifier baseline. SVM-2 seems to outperform Stab and Gurevych (2017), the latest research on argument mining on AAECv2.We conducted a small user study to evaluate the usability of the graphs produced by the pipeline for information extraction, which shows that using a graph to find justification for a point made in a text is significantly faster than using the original text.