The technology transformative impact on financial services has been signalled and has been cited as major catalyst in what economist are citing as Fourth Industrial Revolution. The financial services, a vital catalytic role in facilitating the economic transformation and growth of Malaysian economic has been enriched by financial transformation. Fintech is the prominent example of financial transformation and innovative solutions for financial services to stay ahead along with Fourth Industrial Revolution. The generation of the ideas behind this transformation and innovation are an outcome from ideas and intention of individuals. Entrepreneurial Intention (EI) form the attention, experience and action toward an idea to become manifest. The Fintech "ideas" may not become reality without Fintech based entrepreneurs' EI. The intentionality concept has been constantly debated by modern theorist, addressing the important aspects of intention to sustain value or effort despite of interruptions. However, the state of Malaysian Entrepreneurial Intention has devoted to the increasing studies on Entrepreneurial Intention among Malaysian while the Malaysian EI is among the lowest within Asia & Oceania Efficiency-driven economies. Hence, this study combines retrospection of critical realism with a single case study to provide deep description on question studiedRundown phrases-Alertness, entrepreneurial intention, financial services transformation, Fintech, Fintech based entrepreneurs.