We have developed and successfully demonstrated a high speed, low noise camera system for crystallography and X-ray imaging applications. By coupling an EM-CCD to a 3:1 fibre optic taper and a CsI(Tl) scintillator it was possible to detect hard X-rays. This novel approach to hard X-ray imaging takes advantage of the low equivalent readout noise performance at high pixel readout frequencies of EM-CCD detectors with the increase in imaging area that offered through the use of a fibre-optic taper. Compared to the industry state of the art, based on CCD camera systems, we were able to achieve a high frame-rate for a full-frame readout (50 ms) and a lower readout noise (<1 electron rms) across a range of X-ray energies (6 keV to 18 keV).Introduction: Many X-ray imaging detectors, from medical diagnosis to synchrotron research, use scintillator-coupled CCD detectors. However, CCD systems have performance limitations such as an increase in noise at higher readout speeds. Recently, we completed a lab-based, STFC-funded, concept study on a novel photon-counting detector [1][2]. The ElectronMultiplying (EM) CCD was designed for low light level imaging such as night-time surveillance and differs from the standard CCD through the addition of a "gain register" [3]. By multiplying the signal by thousands, the effective read noise of the device can be dramatically reduced, allowing operation at very high speeds with sub-electron read noise, offering high resolution centroiding and energy discrimination [4] [5].As part of an STFC-funded IPS grant in collaboration with e2v technologies, we have developed a high-speed (24 fps full-frame), large area X-ray detector module, using high-speed electronics provided by XCAM ltd [6]. This project aims to transfer this technology and expertise to applications in synchrotron research through the use of a proof-of-concept camera module. The main applications for this camera in synchrotron research are powder diffraction, macromolecular crystallography and larger area X-ray imaging.By coupling a fibre-optic taper to a larger EM-CCD, an increase in the area of the detector is possible over previous studies, with arrays possible for increased area [7]. In comparison to previous CCD-based systems, the expected performance of the module will give a faster readout speed (increasing beamline throughput), higher effective dynamic range through higher maximum flux before saturation and higher detection efficiency, higher signal to noise and operation at higher temperatures.This experiment was designed to maximise the stopping-power of the system and so uses a thicker scintillator than is typically used in state-of-the-art detectors (see Table 1). The thicker scintillator increases the detection efficiency; however, this comes at the expense of spatial resolution. Here, we summarise the experiment performed using the B16 beamline at the Diamond Light Source and compare the results to the current state-of-the-art CCD based detectors.