Indonesia is an agricultural country, and most of its territory is in the form of villages that have the potential to be developed as rural tourism centers. One area that has the potential to be developed into rural tourism centers is Panjalu, Indonesia. However, the sustainable development of rural tourism in Panjalu, Indonesia, still needs to be improved, so the community cannot enjoy the benefits of this rural tourism. This study aimed to analyze the sustainability strategy of rural tourism development in Panjalu, Ciamis, Indonesia. This study combined two methods, consisting of the Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) and the Analytic Network Process (ANP). The MDS results show that rural tourism sustainability in Panjalu, Indonesia is included in the sufficient category, with a sustainability index of 57,998; 66,278; and 51,862, for ecological, socio-cultural and economic criteria, respectively. The MDS also analyzes which attributes are sensitive to the sustainability status. The most sensitive attributes for each criterion include Biodiversity for ecological criteria (RMS 2.224), Local Community Involvement for the social-culture criteria (1.147), and Livelihood Diversification for the economic criteria (1.245). These most sensitive attributes are, then, used as a reference for developing sustainable rural tourism development strategies. As a result, the strategic priority ranking for rural tourism in Panjalu, Indonesia is rural tourism based on culture and community development.