Although numerous studies have been recording on the enhancement of female student's enrolment in higher education's of Ethiopia, much remains unknown about the striking gap of gender disparity between the enrollment and graduation rates of female students due to the excessive attrition rates at the tertiary level. This study aims to assess factors that causing female students attrition at Haramaya University. Methods to collect the data were conducted using quantitative a structured questionnaire that was distributed to the sample of female students who attend education in the College of Social Science and Humanities in the year 2016/17. Whereas, the qualitative method was held by using an in-depth interview with key personnel that contributes valuable information towards the causing factors of attrition among female students at Haramaya University. The data analyzed was a quantitative data analysis technique, such as descriptive statistics that were employed to present and summaries the data using tables. The study found a critical event in life ( pregnancy, significant person death), Tension, and separation from family as the top three personal factors for female student's attrition. Among the challenging factors in the university environment, adjustment problems with campus life(environment), influence from senior friends, instructors, and other staff members have identified as a reason for dropout. Lack of transparent grading, difficult of education as well as using assessment techniques were the top three reasons for attrition in the academic aspect.