Although the field of neuroscience has evolved dramatically, little research has attempted to conceptualize the impact of neuroscience on the field of human resource development (HRD). The purpose of this study is an integrative review of the influential relationship between neuroscience and workplace learning including applicable implications for HRD research and practice.
By reviewing 93 studies on neuroscience and brain-based learning published between 1995 and 2017, the authors synthesized their findings.
This study discusses the basic concepts of neuroscience such as the structure and functions of the brain, neuroscientific findings about memory and cognition, the effect of neural transmitters on memory and cognition and the neuroscience of learning. This study also illustrates brain-based learning styles affecting learning and describes various neuroscientific learning principles and models that can be applied to practical planning and the delivery of workplace learning and HRD activities.
This study concludes with brain-based learning principles called neuroscientism compared with traditional learning theories. It also includes several brain-based learning cases from workplace settings and implications for future research and further HRD practices.