The clean water crisis, particularly drinking water, is an issue that is strongly tied to water sustainability. The availability of disruptive technology that is cheaper and easy to use, such as a water purifier, is one answer to the ongoing crisis. Unfortunately, a disparity exists in the attitudes of Indonesia’s society toward this technology. Five cultural orientations are set as predictors, each hypothesized as able to predict such attitudes as mediated by relevant personality traits. This study applied a correlational-predictive design toward 244 individuals (112 males and 132 females, Mage = 23.766 years old, SDage = 6.196 years) residing in Jakarta, Indonesia’s capital city. The main results were: (1) uncertainty avoidance can predict attitudes toward water purification technology through the conscientiousness trait; (2) power distance is unable to predict attitudes through neuroticism; (3) collectivism can predict attitudes through agreeableness; (4) masculinity is unable to predict attitudes through extraversion; and (5) long-term orientation can predict attitudes toward water purification technology through the openness trait. Prior studies have generally employed culture and personality as two separate predictors, yet this study might be the first in setting culture and personality as socio-psychological processes that shape a person’s attitude toward water purification technology in a single theoretical model.