The NIRSA Championship Series (Series) is a significant component of NIRSA: Leaders in Collegiate Recreation (NIRSA). Demonstrated, in part, by the fact that many campus recreational professionals contend the events directly relate to both their institution and the association's mission. The purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of how NIRSA professionals perceive the value of volunteer experiences at Series events. The research team conducted semistructured interviews with thirteen campus recreation directors. The participants had a median of 28 years in the profession, ( SD = 7.4), and represented all six NIRSA regions. In describing the benefits of volunteerism at Series events, the directors identified three broad themes, each with numerous subthemes: Personal Experience (Lifelong learner, Mentors, and Networking), Professional Development (Teamwork, Leadership, Communication, and Training), and Ideal Job Characteristics (Attitude and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors). The themes, subthemes, and implications for Series events are discussed. In addition, the authors present suggestions for future research.