The Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a process to automate the text or speech of Natural Languages. This automation is mainly conducted for Western languages. The Arabic Language got less focus in this area. This paper presents a Model to recognize an Arabic sentence. A new morphological model based on regular expressions is developed to recognize the Arabic verbs. A hash table containing all Arabic three-letters' root of verbs is implemented. The total number of Arabic verbs that are derived from three-letters' root size is 23090. The number of roots is 6104. A set of rules forming the Arabic grammar is used to derive and analyze the syntax of Arabic sentences. About 87% of the verbs represented in our regular expressions' engine are detected. Moreover, the sentences are also recognized. In several Surat of the Quran, only 9% of the detected verbs are false-positive (a non-verb declared as a verb), and 4% are considered false-negative (a verb is considered as a noun). This rate is mainly because we are not using vowels even that the Quran (our case study) is using them. The reason behind our decision is to be able to handle all Arabic texts, which mostly are not using vowels.