Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) is the most dominating tuna species caught in the Indian Ocean. However, tuna fishermen in the Indian Ocean still face difficulties determining potential skipjack tuna fishing grounds due to limited geographic information. An attempt to improve information regarding potential skipjack tuna fishing grounds is through modeling the SST, SSC, SSH, and SSS oceanographic parameters with skipjack tuna distribution using GIS. The characteristics of the skipjack tuna habitat can be found through the generalized additive model (GAM) statistical analysis using data of skipjack tuna catch and oceanographic parameters from satellite imagery. The integrated GIS and GAM methods can improve the study of the habitat of skipjack tuna species. Therefore, this research is aimed at analyzing the condition and SST, SSC, SSH, and SSS variations in 2016-2021 in the South Java Sea; at predicting the correlation of SST, SSC, SSH, and SSS towards skipjack tuna catch in 2016-2021 in the South Java Sea using GAM; and at creating a map of skipjack tuna seasonal migration zones. The data included skipjack tuna catches, number of trips, and skipjack tuna fishing coordinates in 2016-2021 from PPS Cilacap and PPP Pondokdadap. The oceanographic parameter data in 2016-2021 was derived from Aqua MODIS level 3 (SST and SSC) and CMEMS (SSH and SSS) satellite imagery. The results showed that the average values of oceanographic parameters at skipjack tuna fishing ground coordinates in the South Java Sea (2016-2021) were SST (26.050-30.816°C), SSC (0.094-0.564 mg/m3), SSH (0.268-0.639 m), and SSS (33.075-34.514 psu). The best GAM modeling was the combination of four oceanographic parameter variables with an AIC value of 45357.92. Skipjack tuna in the South Java Sea migrates southeast during the west monsoon season to the first transitional season and tends to migrate northwest during the east monsoon season to the second transitional season.