Systems-of-Systems (SoS) have performed an important and even essential role to the whole society and refer to complex softwareintensive systems, resulted from interoperability of independent constituent systems that work together to achieve more complex missions. SoS have emerged specially in critical application domains and, therefore, high level of quality must be assured during their development and evolution. However, dealing with quality of SoS still presents great challenges, as SoS present a set of unique characteristics that can directly affect the quality of such systems. Moreover, there are not comprehensive models that can support the quality evaluation of SoS. Motivated by this scenario, the main contribution of this Master's project is to present a SoS Evaluation Model, more specifically, addressing the crisis/emergency management domain, built in the context of a large international research project. The proposed model covers important evaluation activities and considers all SoS characteristics and challenges not usually addressed by other models. This model was applied to evaluate a crisis/emergency management SoS and our results have shown it viability to the effective management of the SoS quality.