DOI: 10.33122/ijtmer.v2i3.81
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Developing an Assessment Instrument of Mathematical Problem-Solving Skills in Senior High School

Abstract: This study aims to develop an assessment instrument of mathematical problem-solving skills in senior high school. The developed assessment instrument includes instrument outlines, items of mathematical problem-solving skill in senior high school instrument, and scoring guidelines. The development procedures include 1) Planning the test, 2) Trying out the test, and 3) Establishing the Validity Test, 4) Establishing Test Reliability, and 5) Interpreting the Test Score. The trial was conducted on 508 respondents … Show more

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Cited by 8 publications
(10 citation statements)
References 1 publication
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“…In an effort to achieve the goals of mathematics learning, the teacher as one of the factors that adequately determines the success of students, always strives to improve quality in carrying out the mathematics learning process, so that it can improve students' mathematics learning outcomes. Related to this, Nasution (2008: 115;Fitriana, 2019;Misu, 2019) states that in order to obtain satisfying learning outcomes, a teacher should strive so that students can be active in the learning process. A teacher is expected to act as a facilitator and motivator for students who are able to choose learning strategies that can activate students.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In an effort to achieve the goals of mathematics learning, the teacher as one of the factors that adequately determines the success of students, always strives to improve quality in carrying out the mathematics learning process, so that it can improve students' mathematics learning outcomes. Related to this, Nasution (2008: 115;Fitriana, 2019;Misu, 2019) states that in order to obtain satisfying learning outcomes, a teacher should strive so that students can be active in the learning process. A teacher is expected to act as a facilitator and motivator for students who are able to choose learning strategies that can activate students.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The importance of education in 21 st era has increased qualified individuals to upper mental skills and abilities [2] by the interesting learning would be affect the achievement of learning goals [3]. Learning is the process of the development of human life and active process in the construction of knowledge [4].…”
Section: Proceedings Of the 5th Progressive And Fun Education International Conference (Pfeic 2020)mentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Mathematical ability is the capacity to use or manipulate numbers effectively in clerical administrative, scientific and other area of application of numbers. It is the ability to understand and work with numbers with ideas related to numbers (Nizoloman, 2013;Fitriana, 2019). In other hands, mathematical ability was considered as a multidimensional construct, including quantitative ability (number sense and pre-algebraic reasoning), causal ability (examination of cause-effect relations), spatial ability (paper folding, perspective and spatial rotation abilities), qualitative ability (processing of similarity and difference relations) and inductive/deductive ability (Kattou, 2012;Netti, 2019).…”
Section: Mathematics Abilitymentioning
confidence: 99%