Extrapolating from current developments in the study of learning and imagining how learning might be shaped moving forward, this article considers 12 trends concerning the future of learning. Learning will become more diverse, more contextual, less discipline-bound, and less institutionally-bound. It will span professional and institutional sectors, and move beyond national borders. It will move increasingly online and extend beyond humans to encompass machines and machine/ human blends. It will become more interactive, more distributed, and more biologically connected. Drawing on an understanding of these trends, new roles for teachers and for educational institutions are developed. The result is that learning is likely to occur through multiple discovery networks that blend research and teaching to address real world problems in environments supported by robust software infrastructures. Multiple nested discovery networks will operate on a global scale and be negotiated by individual learners sometimes guided by teachers.Keywords Future of learning AE Contextual learning AE Life-long learning AE Trans-disciplinary learning AE Trans-national learning AE Online learning Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future-Niels BohrThe future is already here -it's just unevenly distributed-William GibsonThe best way to predict the future is to invent it-Alan KayThe quotes above suggest three quite different strategies for thinking about the future of anything, including the future of learning. Niels Bohr reminds us that predicting is a very difficult business with mixed results at best.