We show that a deep-learning neural network potential (DP) based on density functional theory (DFT) calculations can well describe Cu-Zr materials, an example of a binary alloy system that can coexist in several ordered intermetallics and as an amorphous phase. The complex phase diagram for Cu-Zr makes it a challenging system for traditional atomistic force-fields that fail to describe well the different properties and phases. Instead, we show that a DP approach using a large database with ~300k configurations can render results generally on par with DFT. The training set includes configurations of pristine and bulk elementary metals and intermetallics in the liquid and solid phases in addition to slab and amorphous configurations. The DP model was validated by comparing bulk properties such as lattice constants, elastic constants, bulk moduli, phonon spectra, surface energies to DFT values for identical structures. Further, we contrast the DP results with values obtained using well-established two embedded atom method potentials. Overall, our DP potential provides near DFT accuracy for the different Cu-Zr phases but with a fraction of its computational cost, thus enabling accurate computations of realistic atomistic models especially for the amorphous phase.
I.quenching rate. Both requirements pose a challenge for DFT simulations. Classical atomistic simulation methods, of which molecular dynamic simulations (MD) is the most common, have been employed in materials design for several decades to provide fast computations of atomic energies and forces. However, the parameters for these potentials to describe interatomic interactions are nontrivial to optimize. To date, the most accurate classical potentials for Cu-Zr systems are based on embedded atom method 12 (EAM) particularly those developed by Sheng et al. [13][14][15] (EAM-HS) and Mendeleev et al. 16 (EAM-MM) by fitting to a mixed experimental and ab-initio input data. While these two EAMs provide a general good description of many properties of Cu-Zr systems especially for properties that are included in the training such as the Cu-Zr melting curve as is the case of EAM-MM, they have limited transferability to configurations not included in the training as we demonstrate here. Further, and most importantly, EAM potentials have a limited functional form, and thus cannot be utilized to describe complex interactions such as for covalent and ionic bonds between Cu-Zr and reactive gasses.Machine learning (ML) and particularly deep neural network-based force-fields have the flexibility and non-linearity necessary to describe complex potential energy surfaces. [17][18][19][20][21][22][23] In traditional atomistic force-field methods such as the EAMs, the complex potential energy surface is approximated using privileged functional forms that are selected based on physical motivation. On the other hand, ML potentials do not employ any explicit functional form for the dependence of the energies and forces on the atomic coordinates, but rather "learn" how atoms interac...