There lies a sea of reviews and experiences on the progression from engineering students to diverse careers and countless other pursuits. Yet, less is mentioned about the actual student First Year Experience (FYE), in particular: relating to the context of engineering, and towards becoming advanced learners. In order to stimulate awareness and strengthen confidence among future learners entering undergraduate engineering programs, especially chemical engineering, this paper integrates three key aspects: a genuine reflection from an undergraduate engineering student on the first semester; how to benefit as much as possible from the very beginning at University, and most importantly, making the learning process suited to one’s abilities. This is to explore more about how first year students can identify learning methods suited to their own strengths and a growing factor to their weaknesses. In addition, this paper intends to showcase a brief process in crafting and developing an initial engineering identity as a student, and advance to what is hoped to be a successful engineering education and career. I personally found my first semester at University of Technology Malaysia (UTM) to be inspirational and a boost to my love for all facets relating to elementary engineering know-how. Hence, through my writing, I share “true to life” experiences in my personal learning journey through the first semester at UTM. This will be entwined with lessons I learnt on how to gain the most from the start, shaping a mature mindset and much more. Ultimately, it aims to motivate fresh engineering students of the future, and display to them that in every step of the undergraduate journey, lies lessons, whether it be in their failures or successes.