In Burkina Faso, cassava has been introduced some decades ago.It used to be an adequate solution to household food security during food shortage period in some regions. The fermentation technology incorporated in the population's food habits is increasing cassava production and its utilization as food. This contributes to the development of cassava processing units. Cassava is now cultivated both during rainy season and dry season under irrigation. Several improved varieties are available and adapted to the national agroecological conditions and the processing technology. Attiéké is the most widely consumed cassava-based product in Burkina Faso. Its production contributes in generating incomes especially for women (Diacoumba, 2008). The aim of this study is to establish the origins of cassava varieties grown in Burkina Faso, to evaluate cassava variety knowledge and use, the state of its processing, and its contribution to household food security.
| MATERIALS AND METHODSAn investigation was carried out in the main cassava production areas of Burkina Faso. The targeted regions were Center West, Cascades, Boucle du Mouhoun, Hauts Bassins, South West, and Center East.Cassava processing units and cassava producers were both the target of the investigation. About 226 farmers from 57 communities in the selected regions were involved in this investigation for cassava production and use of cassava by the households. The data were collected using a questionnaire by SphinxV5demo software. The questions included knowledge of cassava origin in the locality, cassava varieties used or known, the production level, cassava production challenges and opportunities, it family use, and the knowledge about cassava toxicity. For the industrial uses and cassava processing, another questionnaire was used. Eighteen processing units using cassava roots as raw material and located in Léo, Dédougou, Gaoua, Kampti, Orodara, and Bobo Dioulasso were surveyed. The required questions focused on the processing level and cassava-based products. The collected data were then analyzed with R statistical software for average determination variance and linear regression. The graphics are made with Excel (2010).Food security definition here used is base on the FAO (2012) recommendation of 2300 kcal per adult per day to evaluate the contribution of cassava to household food security. Food security status of households can then be expressed nationally as follows:where F secn = food security status of household n; X n = per capita calorie consumption of household n; Z n = recommended daily minimum energy requirement of 2,300 kcal.The contribution of cassava to family need is evaluated based on equation (3) of household needs: