We present a tephra fallout hazard assessment of Sangay volcano, Ecuador. This volcano is under semi-permanent activity at least since the 17th century, and has produced several eruptions whose products have affected towns and cities at considerable distance (up to > 170 km). For this reason, despite its remote location, recent efforts have been aimed at reviewing its volcanic history; quantifying the occurrence probability of various eruptive scenarios and the associated uncertainty; and, for each eruptive scenario, estimating the probability distribution of key eruptive source parameters (fallout volume, average plume height and eruption duration). In this study, we use this information to produce probabilistic hazard maps by using the coupled models PLUME-MOM-TSM and HYSPLIT, with the application of a novel workflow for running an ensemble of thousands of simulations following a stochastic sampling of input parameters. Probabilistic hazard maps have been produced for four scenarios of different magnitudes. For each scenario, we considered four ground load thresholds (0.1, 1, 10 and 100 kg/m2) and two types of model initialization strategies (based on the elicited total deposit volume and on the elicited plume height respectively), which produced non-negligible differences. Hazard curves have also been produced for nine sites of interest from a risk perspective, corresponding to towns/cities potentially affected by tephra accumulation. Combined maps have also been produced by merging maps of single scenarios with their probability of occurrence. Results indicate that in case of a future eruption, even for a moderate-scale eruption (Violent Strombolian), probability of tephra accumulation larger than 1 kg/m2 is relatively high (up to 20–25%) in the town of Guamote, i.e. the most severely affected site among those tested (43 km W of Sangay). For larger-scale events (Sub Plinian) the impact of tephra accumulation could be significant even for the city of Guayaquil (176 km W of Sangay), with probability of tephra accumulation larger than 1 kg/m2 up to 22%.