Existing art, media art, accompanied by a new path of awareness and perception instrumentalized by the human body, creating a new way to watch the interaction is proposed. Western art way to create visual images of the point cloud that represented a form that is similar to the Pointage. This traditional painting techniques using digital technology means reconfiguration. In this paper, a new appreciation of fusion of aesthetic elements and digital technology, making the point cloud in the form of video. And this holographic film projection of the spectator, and gestures to interact with the video content is presented. A Process of making contents is intent planning, content creation, content production point cloud in the form of image, 3D gestures for interaction design process, go through the process of holographic film projection. Visual and experiential content of memory recall process takes place in the consciousness of the people expressed. Complete the process of memory recall, uncertain memories, memories materialized, recalled. Uncertain remember the vague shapes of the point cloud in the form of an image represented by the image. As embodied memories through the act of interaction to manipulate images recall is complete.