The Oxford dictionary defines development as a state of growth or advancement. While this is a broad definition, in the context of international policy making and international development program management, the term development is constituted by particular dimensions, i.e., what should be developed? These include dimensions such as economic development, human development, environmental, technological, and the like. Nobel laureate Amartya Sen defines development as "the removal of major sources of unfreedoms" (Sen 1999, pp. 35-53) such as poverty, systemic social and economic deprivation, and intolerance of repressive states. Based on this understanding of development, Paradigms of Development can be defined as the permutations and combinations of how to develop. In other words, Paradigms of Development are the pathways to achieve the removal of unfreedoms, founded on a vision of a socioeconomic system and the set of activities required to achieve that vision (Bellù 2011).