Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) (Farr & Liu, 2014;Zebker et al., 1994) provides a powerful way to map the deformation of the ground surface. Deformation quantified with InSAR data has been used to monitor the poroelastic response of groundwater systems caused by changes in effective stress that are driven by changes in hydraulic head due to the removal or addition of groundwater (Castellazzi et al., 2016;Miller et al., 2017;Smith & Knight, 2019). This introduces the potential use of InSAR data to remotely monitor the changes in hydraulic head. But it cannot be assumed that the deformation captured in the InSAR data is solely due to a poroelastic response. It has been recognized that the deformation of the ground surface is also sensitive to the loading caused by mass changes in liquid water, ice, and/or snow in the hydrologic system (Argus et al., 2014;Borsa et al., 2014). Therefore, in order to use the InSAR technique to monitor the poroelastic response of the groundwater system, the loading portion of the measured surface deformation needs to be accounted for. The high quality InSAR data now available have made it possible to do this. Working with 5 years of InSAR data (2015)(2016)(2017)(2018)(2019) and hydrologic data from the data-rich Central Valley of California, U.S.A., we developed a new approach that removes the deformation due to the loading response in the InSAR data so as to isolate the deformation due to the poroelastic response. This significantly advances our ability to use InSAR data to monitor changes in hydraulic head, information that is of critical importance for groundwater management.The groundwater system of the Central Valley, the location of which is shown in Figure 1, is composed of sediments sourced from the Sierra Nevada and the Coast Ranges. Interbedded clays account for ∼65% of the system (Faunt, 2010). In the southern part of the valley, there is a regional confining unit, the Corcoran Clay, which