who passed away unexpectedly on June 3, 2020 at the age of 59. The passing of Professor Maŕio Costa is a big loss to the energy and fuels research community. The special issue contains research articles contributed by many researchers who worked collaboratively with Maŕio Costa and his team. Maŕio Costa was born in 1960, graduated in chemical engineering at University of Coimbra in 1984, and then received his Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering at Imperial College, London, in 1992, with his habilitation in mechanical engineering at Technical University of Lisbon in 2009. Maŕio Costa was awarded honors several times in his life, including the Caleb Brett Award of the Institute of Energy in 1991, the Sugden Award of the British Section of the Combustion Institute in 1991, the scientific award Universidade Tećnica de Lisboa/Santander Totta in 2010, the honorable mention Universidade de Lisboa/Santander Universidades in 2016, and the scientific award Universidade de Lisboa/Santander Universidades in 2017. Maŕio Costa was also elected Fellow of the Combustion Institute of 2020 with the citation "for innovative research on solid fuel combustion, formation and control of pollutants, and MILD combustion".