Elsevier Payri, R.; Salvador Rubio, FJ.; Viera Sotillo, AA. (2016). Diesel ignition delay and lift-off length through different methodologies using a multi-hole injector. Applied Energy. 162:541-550. doi:10.1016Energy. 162:541-550. doi:10. /j.apenergy.2015 Raúl Payri, F.J. Salvador, Julien Manin, Alberto Viera; Diesel ignition delay and li -o length through di erent methodologies using a multi-hole injector. Applied Energy, 2015, 162, 541-550. Diesel ignition delay and li -o length through di erent methodologies using a multi-hole injector
AbstractIn this paper, li -o length has been measured via both broadband luminosity and OH chemiluminescence. In addition, ignition delay has also been measured via broadband chemiluminescence and Schlieren imaging. A 3 ori ce injector from the Engine Combustion Network (ECN) set, referred to as Spray B, and a single component fuel (n-dodecane) was used. Experiments were carried out in a constant ow and pressure facility, that allowed to reproduce engine-like thermodynamic conditions, and enabled the study to be performed over a wide range of test conditions with a very high repetition rate. Data obtained was also compared with results from a single ori ce injector also from the Engine Combustion Network, with analog ori ce characteristics (90 micrometer outlet diameter and convergent shape) and technology as the injector used . Results showed that there is good correlation between the ignition delay measured through both methodologies, that oxygen concentration and injection pressure plays a minor role in the ignition delay, being ambient temperature and density the parameters with the highest in uence. Li -o length measurements showed signi cant di erences between methodologies. Minor deviation was observed between injectors with di erent nozzle geometry (seat inclination angle), due to temperature variations along the chamber, highlighting the importance of temperature distribution along combustion vessels. Empirical correlations for li -o and ignition delay were calculated, underlining the e ect of the conditions on the parameters studied. Coe cients of the correlations were compared with results for the single ori ce injector, this showed that variations of test conditions have the same impact on ignition delay and li -o length regardless the nozzle ori ce con guration.