From its inception, the DuPont-Northwestern-Dow Collaborative Access Team (DND-CAT) at the Advanced Photon Source has had to adapt to the changing needs of industry as well as a diverse academic user base. This has resulted in a sector with support for a broad range of techniques and sample environments. Among the techniques supported at DND-CAT are small and wide angle scattering, reflectivity, spectroscopy, tomography, and powder diffraction. The D station on the insertion device line at DND-CAT (5ID-D) is a general purpose hutch that is primarily used for small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Approximately 10 12 photons/sec can be delivered to a .04mm 2 spot using multiple sets of slits with pinhole camera geometry. Scattering can be measured down to 2θ = 0.014° on a 10m long camera with 1.5Å to 0.7Å radiation. Many 5ID-D users are polymer scientists, thus standard techniques supported include SAXS and WAXS image collection simultaneous with thermal, extension/compression, shear, or calorimetric data. Often, an individual user will come with arrays of several sample types requiring different environments and/or camera configurations to fully analyze. This paper describes how the joint goals of flexibility and high throughput are balanced at 5ID-D for small and wide angle X-ray scattering. A unique simultaneous SAXS/WAXS detector system for collecting anisotropic X-ray scattering is described. Also a method for calibrating sample to detector distance for long tanks using a silicon diffraction grating is presented.