Atlantic killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus, are adapted
to creosote-based PAHs at the US EPA Superfund site known as Atlantic Wood (AW)
on the southern branch of the Elizabeth River, VA USA. Subsequent to the
discovery of the AW population in the early 1990s, these fish were shown to be
recalcitrant to CYP1A induction by PAHs under experimental conditions, and even
to the time of this study, killifish embryos collected from the AW site are
resistant to developmental deformities typically associated with exposure to
PAHs in reference fish. Historically, however, 90+% of the adult killifish at
this site have proliferative hepatic lesions including cancer of varying
severity. Several PAHs at this site are known to be ligands for the aryl
hydrocarbon receptor (AHR). In this study, AHR-related activities in AW fish
collected between 2011–2013 were re-examined nearly 2 decades after first
discovery. This study shows that CYP1A mRNA expression is three-fold higher in
intestines of AW killifish compared to a reference population. Using
immunohistochemistry, CYP1A staining in intestines was uniformly positive
compared to negative staining in reference fish. Livers of AW killifish were
examined by IHC to show that CYP1A and AHR2 protein expression reflect
lesions-specific patterns, probably representing differences in intrinsic
cellular physiology of the spectrum of proliferative lesions comprising the
hepatocarcinogenic process. We also found that COX2 mRNA expression levels were
higher in AW fish livers compared to those in the reference population,
suggesting a state of chronic inflammation. Overall, these findings suggest that
adult AW fish are responsive to AHR signaling, and do
express CYP1A and AHR2 proteins in intestines at a level above what was observed
in the reference population.