A male adult crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) was diagnosed with systemic yeast infection. Histologically, there were extensive areas of necrosis in the lung, which were associated with a diffuse severe lympho-plasmo-histiocytic inflammatory infiltrate, with numerous multinucleated giant cells, and myriads of intralesional pseudo-hyphae and yeast like organisms within distended foveolae. Necrotic foci were also observed in the mucosa of the digestive tract, trachea, tunica intima of arteries, liver, and heart, with a marked inflammatory lympho-histiocytic infiltrate, with large numbers of epithelioid macrophages and giant cells, and intralesional and intravascular pseudo-hyphae and yeast-like organisms. Oval yeast structures with 4 to 6 μm in diameter and 5 to 8 μm thick paralleled-wall pseudo-hyphae were observed in PAS or GMS stained sections. PCR with DNA template extracted from paraffin embedded tissues amplified the D1/D2 domains of the large subunit rRNA gene, which was sequenced and found to be identical to sequences of a new species, isolated from rotting wood in Brazil, of the genus Spencermartinsiella, which its closest relative is Spencermartinsiella cellulosicola. Keywords: Crocodile. Crocodylus niloticus. Candidiasis. Spencermartinsiella sp.
ResumoUm crocodilo macho adulto (Crocodylus niloticus) foi diagnosticado com infecção fúngica sustêmica. Histologicamente, havia extensas áreas de necrose no pulmão, que estavam associadas com infiltrado inflamatório linfo-plasmo-histiocitário, com numerosas células gigantes multinucleadas e miríade de pseudo-hifas e organismos leveduriformes intralesionais, dentro de favéolas distendidas. Focos necróticos também foram observados na mucosa do trato digestório, traquéia, túnica íntima de artérias, fígado e coração, com acentuado infiltrado inflamatório linfo-histiocitário, com grande número de macrófagos epitelioides e células gigantes e hifas e organismos leveduriformes intralesionais e intravasculares. Cortes corados por PAS e GMS evidenciaram estruturas leveduriformes ovais com 4 a 6 μm de diâmetro e pseudo-hifas de paredes espessas e paralelas com 5 a 8 μm. PCR realizado com DNA extraído de material parafinizado amplificou os domínios D1/D2 da subunidade maior do gene rRNA, cuja sequencia foi idêntica a sequências de uma nova espécie, isolada no Brasil de madeira em decomposição, do gênero Spencermartinsiella, cuja espécie mais próxima é Spencermartinsiella cellulosicola. Palavras-chave: Crocodilo. Crocodylus niloticus. Candidíase. Spencermartinsiella sp.Several yeast species are considered opportunistic pathogens of humans and animals. These yeasts are saprophytic and found on wet outer surfaces or mucosae of men and animals, including the skin, ear canal, conjunctival sac, mouth, digestive tract, as well as perianal, genital, and oral mucosae (CLEFF et al.,