Effect of maceration on nitrogen fractions in hay and silage. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 78: 399-405. An intensive mechanical conditioning treatment, referred to as maceration, was applied at mowing to alfalfa or timothy in order to enhance drying rate, reduce wilting time and possibly reduce respiration losses and proteolysis. In 1995, a laboratory trial was conducted using two levels of force (1750 and 3500 Newton) and five levels of conditioning: a control (no conditioning), one passage, three passages, five passages and seven passages through two steel knurled rolls. All forages were dried in a controlled environment at 30°C and conserved as hay. The level of force did not affect the chemical composition of the forages obtained. However the nitrogen (N) fractions were affected by the level of maceration. As the level of conditioning increased, the soluble N fractions (A and B1) of both forages decreased (P < 0.001). Meanwhile, the slowly degradable N fraction (B3) increased linearly (P < 0.001) in timothy and quadratically (P < 0.003) in alfalfa. The fraction of unavailable N (fraction C) also increased linearly (P < 0.01) with intensity of maceration. In 1996, alfalfa was conditioned in the field at four intensity levels: a control (rubber roll-conditioning), one passage, two passages, and three passages through a full-size mower-macerator with three knurled rolls. The alfalfa dried under poor climatic conditions with alternating rain and sunshine and was conserved as silage at 30% dry matter (DM) after a 40-h wilt or as hay after a 90-h wilt. Neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF), and ash contents increased linearly (P < 0.001) with the level of maceration; the increase was greater in hay than in silage. The non protein nitrogen (fraction A) decreased (P < 0.001) while fraction B3 and unavailable N (fraction C) increased (P < 0.001) with level of maceration. The results suggest that maceration decreases the extent of proteolysis during conservation and preserves a higher proportion of the slowly degradable N (escape nitrogen).
Key words: Forage, maceration, chemical composition, nitrogen fractionsAgbossamey, Y. R., Savoie, P. et Seoane, J. R. 1998. Effet du surconditionnement sur les fractions azotées du foin et de l'ensilage. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 78: 399-405. Un surconditionnement mécanique intense a été appliqué lors de la fauche de la luzerne et de la fléole des prés dans le but d'accélérer la vitesse de séchage, de réduire le temps de fanage et de réduire possiblement les pertes dues à la respiration et à la protéolyse. En 1995, une expérience a été menée au laboratoire en utilisant deux niveaux de force (1750 et 3500 Newton) et cinq niveaux de conditionnement: un témoin (aucun conditionnement), un passage, trois passages, cinq passages et sept passages du fourrage à travers deux rouleaux broyeurs. Les fourrages ont été séchés à 30°C dans un environnement contrôlé et ont été conservés sous forme de foin. La force appliquée au surconditionnement n'a pas affecté la composition chimique des four...