To cite this version:Micky Rakotondrabe. Classical Prandtl-Ishlinskii modeling and inverse multiplicative structure to compensate hysteresis in piezoactuators.. American Control Conference, ACC'12., Jun 2012, Montréal, Canada. pp.1646-1651 Classical Prandtl-Ishlinskii modeling and inverse multiplicative structure to compensate hysteresis in piezoactuatorsAbstract-This paper presents a new approach to compensate the static hysteresis in smart material based actuators that is modeled by the PrandtlIshlinskii approach. The proposed approach allows a simplicity and ease of implementation. Furthermore, as soon as the direct model is identified and obtained, the compensator is directly derived. The experimental results on piezoactuators show its efficiency and prove its interest for the precise control of microactuators without the use of sensors. In particular, we experimentally show that the hysteresis of the studied actuator which was initially 23% was reduced to less than 2.5% for the considered working frequency.