The cell surface receptor CD155 influences a variety of immune processes by binding to its ligands CD226, CD96, or TIGIT. Here, we report that the interaction of CD155 with CD226 in the thymus of BALB/c mice has a dual function. It directly influences the dwell time of memory-like CD8 + T cells, while it is indirectly involved in generating these cells. It was shown earlier that a massive emergence of memory-like CD8 T cells in thymus crucially depends on abundant IL-4, secreted in steady state by iNKT2 (where iNKT is invariant NKT) cells, a subclass of iNKT cells. Here, we show that absence of either CD155 or CD226 in BALB/c mice causes a profound shift in the iNKT subtype composition in thymus, expanding the frequency and numbers of iNKT1 cells at the expense of iNKT2 cells, as well as iNKT17 cells. This shift results in a drop of available IL-4 and creates a scenario similar to that observed in C57BL/6 mice, where iNKT1 cells predominate and iNKT2 cells are much less frequent when compared with BALB/c mice. Yet also in C57BL/6 mice, lack of CD155 or CD226 provokes a further decline in iNKT2 cells, suggesting that the observed effects are not restricted to a particular inbred strain.Keywords: CD155 r CD226 r IL-4 r Innate CD8 + T cells r NKT cells Additional supporting information may be found in the online version of this article at the publisher's web-site
IntroductionIn mice, subclasses of CD8 + T cells exist that possess features of innate cells because they respond quickly to diverse stimuli by a rapid onset of proliferation and IFN-γ production [1]. Innate CD8 + T cells express markers distinguishing memory cells such as the transcription factor eomesodermin (Eomes). But in contrast to "true" memory cells that are generated following challenge by foreign antigen, innate cells arise by noninflammatory pathways involving self-antigen because they were also found to be Correspondence: Dr. Günter Bernhardt e-mail: present in germ-free mice [2]. Only a combination of markers allows detection of innate CD8 + T cells that can be defined as CD8 + CD62L + CD44 hi CD122 + CD24 lo CD69 − CD25 − Eomes + Tbet − . Current research distinguishes them primarily based on their anatomical location: In periphery, innate cells are present in secondary lymphoid tissue, but also nonlymphoid organs and were addressed as CD8 + virtual memory (T VM ) cells [2][3][4]. CD8 + T VM cells possess a polyclonal TCR repertoire and efficiently control infections by certain pathogens such as Listeria monocytogenes [4]. In recent years, a thymic variant of innate CD8 + T cells was discovered that were subsequently called CD8 + memory-like T (T ML ) cells because they possess a similar phenotypic patterning as described for CD8 + T VM cells [5]. Whether CD8 + T VM and T ML cells serve identical purposes is not well investigated, but
994Hristo Georgiev et al. Eur. J. Immunol. 2016. 46: 993-1003 evidence would suggest that they represent subpopulations arising independently from each...