A national satelite telecommunication model, which can be started by using Arabsat, was proposed to overcome the self-limiting geographical barrier and the maldistribution of clinical resources in the Kingdom. A national medical and phrmaceutical survey performed by the King Saud University showed an overwhelming acceptance of telemedicine (95.2%), telepharmaceutical (97%), telediagnosis (95.4%), urgent teleconsultation (for urgent operations) (74.5%) and for linking ambulance with hospitals (85.1%), continuing education via Arabsat (for physicians) (88.9%), medical technical staff (96.5%), pharmacists (75%) and public (91.5%), commercial marketing computer link for drug product and medical supply (92%) and centralizing Drug and Poison Information Centre (DPIC) (to provide information on drug interaction) (96%), drug substitution (92.5%) of novel and delivery systems (90.5%). Implementation of both telemedicine and telepharmaceutical services shall have an implication on improving the competency of medical staff, better health-care impact on citizen and better utilization of medical resources.