A novel relativistic klystron amplifier has achieved 50%%uo energy efficiency, a significant advance over the previous state of the art of 20%%uo. A radially converging structure that was inserted in the output gap reduced the potential energy residing in the electron beam and maximized rf output energy. Electrons that stopped inside the gap were intercepted by this structure and were shunted to ground. This is in contrast to classical klytons in which such electrons would have formed a virtual cathode and/or flow backward, regaining energy from the rf field.PACS numbers: 85.10.Jz, 41.75.Ht A high current "conventional" klystron amplifier has been considered as a candidate for a high power microwave (HPM) source [1]. However, klystrons that operate with high current are inefficient due to space charge effects and the large spread in the electron energy at the output gap. To reduce these effects a high beam voltage is required. But high voltage leads to beam stiffness that can be overcome only by injecting a high rf input power and/or by lengthening the drift region in klystrons.Relativistic klystron amplifiers (RKA's) use the self-field of annular intense relativistic electron beams (IREB's) to considerably reduce effects associated with beam stiffness [2,3], but the efficiency is still limited by beam loading, rf breakdown, and the spread in the electron kinetic energies at the gaps.During the last year, we have developed a new type of RKA [4] that employs cavities with inductively loaded wide gaps. Using these cavities, we eliminated many deleterious effects that plagued the operation of narrow gap RKA's in the past. However, the energy distribution of the electrons at the output gap could not be narrowed down, leading to inefficient operation.The spread in kinetic energy results from the spatial distribution of the potential energy residing in the IREB and from the bunching mechanism. The particle code MASK [5], which successfully simulated the global operation of RKA's [4], was used to obtain microscopic details of the modulated IREB such as density and energy distributions of the electrons [ Fig. 1(a) -1(d)]. To achieve efficient operation of RKA (or any klystronlike devices), the rf voltage across the output gap has to fulfill two conditions that are impossible to satisfy at the same time, especially for a modulated beam with a large energy spread: (1) It has to be low enough to avoid electron reflection that can cause a virtual cathode formation.(2) It has to be high to drain most of the electrons' energy so as to maximize the RF energy output. An energy efficienty of 20% and a power efficiency of 35% were obtained for RKA's at the Naval Research Laboratory [6]; similar efficiencies were obtained at Los Alamos National Laboratory [7] and at Physics International [8].